Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I Know You?

My body feels young
but my mind feels very old
so you cant give me the dreams
that are mine anyway

And there is your face
fading on the crowd
getting lost on the same way
the pretty toys did before

there is other way
there is other time
to find you here
on the garden of my mind

But i dont know
maybe never or thousands of times
i saw your face before
working on this tragedy

and sometimes you look at me
and even talk to me
and there is no answer
to keep you here
in that dream of mine


Emiliano said...

pone al banda!! quiero saber.. :(

Santimor said...

jaja, el primer parrafo es de Noel en Half The World Away, y el resto lo escribi yo. Fue como lo que me inspiro. Obviamente lo unico bueno es el primer parrafo =(.

Emiliano said...

buena ondaaaa!!!!!!!! me re gusta enseriooo!! :D:D

Emiliano said...

abue... un flash tras otro.. xD